Everything is math and math is everything

I found this interesting video on youtube and I thought it was relevant to a lot of other things in addition to computer science. Enjoy:

You might find it amazing how many concepts from computer science and math are applicable to logistics.

One of my early ideas for a doctoral dissertation involved adapting the concepts from Claude Shannon’s The Mathematical Theory of Communication, combined with Jay Wright Forrester’s Industrial Dynamics concepts. For those unfamiliar, Claude Shannon is the father of information theory and Jay Wright Forrester (of Beer Distribution Game fame) was a computer engineer who revolutionized the way we think of and manage supply chains (see bullwhip effect, a.k.a. Forrester effect). The idea for my research was to examine the relationship between information entropy and the performance of a supply chain. However, my advisor was not interested in the idea and I had to start over with something else. Nonetheless, these concepts are very intriguing and still worthy of research, in my opinion. So, if you are interested in collaborating in some research, let me know.

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